Hashim Mapara MD
Sarah Shirazi MD
Internal Medicine
Sarah Shirazi, MD
Dr. Sarah Shirazi is an Internal Medicine physician and treats a wide array of diseases. She offers a personalized approach to patient care. She is highly experienced and has spent most of her career caring for patients as a hospitalist. She is excited to expand her practice to include seeing patients in an outpatient setting.
Dr. Shirazi is now accepting new patients.
Medical School - Dow University of Health Sciences
Residency in Internal Medicine - Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center
Hashim Mapara, MD
Dr. Hashim Mapara is a Nephrologist and an expert in the field of kidney disorders. He uses a patient centered approach using individualized plans to care for his patients. He sees patient's for all aspects of the management of chronic kidney disease. Dr. Mapara is accepting referrals and new patients.
Medical School - Dow University of Health Sciences
Residency in Internal Medicine - Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center
Fellowship in Nephrology- Harbor UCLA
Insurance Policy
Nearly all major insurance plans accepted
Please call our office to verify if your insurance is accepted
Opening Hours
Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
325 Rolling Oaks Dr. Suite 130 Thousand Oaks, CA 91361
Fax 805-557-1016
227 W. Janss Rd. Suite 110
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360